
As we thought through building the Flunks Universe, we began to see it evolve from being just a High School then into a massive campus. Flunks in the current pixel form [High School] is just one expression we've released within the broader universe we've planned out.

The most exciting part of decentralization and ownership is that we, as founders, won't have complete control over the emergence of the community and world. We will lay down the foundations and pillars but excitedly watch to see what kind of side stories, clubs, and priorities our student body will cultivate. This is more than just Discord engagement! It is you building the world, lore, and school history through multiple facets.

Share your Flunk story (anecdote or fiction is fine) with us on Twitter by tagging @flunks_nft and using #FlunkStory to enter our weekly Flunk Giveaway as we ramp up before the school year.

Last updated