School Clubs

The first two months of every school year [August & September] will be used to rally the community to make specific decisions on how they want to manage their portion of the pie for that year.

The four cliques will have access to an initial pool of funds [$100k for this upcoming year] that refreshes every school year. This pool is topped up with a percentage from the sales on secondary and also merchandise sales during the year. In case there are issues around proposal approval or unused club funds, any remainder will roll over into the next year; however, the funding pool cap can grow or shrink after the year ends depending on the health of the project. Get ready for club-specific events, competitions and giveaways. We want to create a rewarding and diverse community which will enrich the Flunks Campus every step of the way. The School Treasury will be influenced by the holder community, the more Flunks you hold the greater influence you will have. Whales will also have a separate pot in which they can decide on how to use it in the most impactful way for the future of Flunks. [Whale = 8 Flunks]

School clubs will be key in creating Flunk lore. Start off by designing your club patch to be airdropped in year one for your backpacks.

Focus Areas

We want to use Flunks to bring joy and nostalgia to millions of people in the world. For us to achieve this we have to focus on getting Flunks into the attention of a mainstream audience. To manage this we're going to focus on these areas:

  1. Be Authentic - create an ecosystem where you'll attract the right kind of attention. Do good, and be genuine with each other.

  2. Brand Collaborations - utilize the School Clubs as a case study to show how stability & business sustainability are achievable through marketing activations, events, and self-governed utility

  3. Community First - work together to push proposals that you truly believe will help us achieve mainstream market fit with your clique

We hope this helps to explain the overall vision more deeply to guide your suggestions and proposals. Here are the principles to follow to help with the coordination of our school clubs:

  • Staying Grounded - We're not here to get distracted with over bloated initiatives with high risk, & low reward. We will follow a proper product workflow with experimentation and testing to validate product-market fit before diving head first into heavy lifting to deliver a consistent high end experience.

  • Be Respectful - Treat your fellow Flunk with respect. Decentralized coordination requires conversation and discussion. We should maintain a civil nature and a high respect level for one another.

  • Longterm Sustainability - We need to stay as responsible as possible with funds to ensure we're not putting our brand, business, or holders in jeopardy. The core team will pay close attention to proposals that we believe have the potential to grow the club / community war chest & improve the experience to be a Flunk owner.

Proposal Mechanics

Coming soon...

Last updated