Our team believes that projects focusing on their community will win long-term. Going to school was a blast when it involved connecting with your friends and peers - but it could have been so much better if we had the power to decide how we spent most of our time. As a Flunk holder, you're in the driver's seat for amplifying this culture to new heights.
Our team is focused on decentralization in terms of commercial rights and the ability to grow with the brand's success. This is to develop into bringing the community & holders together to actively participate in shaping our campus, curriculum, and more.
We see the potential for Flunks as limitless. As we are committed to building a lasting brand we are heavily focused on raising the bar in quality. Overtime you will see this come into play as we roll out major improvements across design, branding, and focusing on community growth.
Long Term
We will build products that are expected to last the years. We're committed to building a community and business foundation strong enough to withstand the ups and downs of this space.
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