
Our Vision

The project vision is to develop a leading web3 brand built around the community through various initiatives on our campus grounds. The first milestone will be the start of our brand new "School Year" through the launch of our School Clubs - our take on how we can enable a community to build together.

  • Community: Our team understands how strong nostalgia can be as a catalyst for building community. When projects prioritize anything else, they lose sight of what matters the most. We will always strive to cultivate a community that understands our vision and wants to build this brand with our team.

  • Be unique: "Misfit. A person whose behaviour or attitude sets them apart from others..." The core of our brand is the community. We are each unique, different, and love to push the boundaries of the norm.

  • Builders be building: Building a brand around a decentralized community has advantages and disadvantages. The core team will work diligently to lead and facilitate to provide the pathway for the Flunk community to thrive, but laying this foundation won't happen overnight.

The first school year will be a big one. It starts with rallying the community through your interests, exclusive merchandise collaborations, airdrops, events, etc. We envision your Flunk as your new identity in the metaverse and the campus to be your home.


Your initial mint is your access card to our campus.

Your Flunk will not only be your new character and identity but also act as your pass to the entire Flunks Universe. Flunk holders firstly will have the ability to submit public proposals and vote for initiatives across clubs, events & more to influence the direction of the project's development during the start of every school year.

We will consistently reward our Flunk holders with preferential access to every initiative built on top of the campus foundation. We are starting with Backpack airdrops for holders. You'll also have access to an exclusive section of our School Store, holder events, project collaborations, giveaways, and more.

We will allow owners to maintain access to our new campus and engage with the parts they are the most excited about. Join a club that interests you the most & vote for initiatives you'd like to see!

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